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How non-adherence to medical prescriptions damages your health?

Have you ever been sluggish or just forgotten to take your meds on time because of a demanding schedule or a busy workload? Most of you will answer yes, we all have been there but have you ever thought about what could happen if you don't take your meds on time? Have you ever thought about the problems it could cause or how it might harm your body? If you have not wondered about all these questions, it is time to do so now. Taking the prescription on time is very important, and you surely don't want yourself or your loved ones to face any complications because of it.

Well, time is a natural phenomenon as well as an artificial construct intended to describe, monitor, and control. Time and schedule play a significant role in medicine consumption. It is crucial to take them as advised for our body to have enough drugs to recover, heal, and in some cases, just usually function.

When you are prescribed a new medication, you should ask your pharmacist to provide you with the necessary information. Such information should include how and when to take the medications. Specific prescriptions should be taken with meals or with a full glass of water for maximum effectiveness.

The right time to take a medication depends on its composition, but if you are advised to take it at the same time every day, do so. Otherwise, you risk developing a resistance to the treatment, which could lead to complications and a longer time to heal and recover.

The Rig Veda is the oldest sacred literature of the Hindus. It describes an array of illnesses in the Veda, which drew Vedic sages in both health and disease. But it is not a new problem for patients to disregard medical advice and not follow the prescription schedule. Hippocrates noted that some patients did not follow their treatment plans in the 4th century BC. Robert Koch, the father of modern bacteriology, was scathing about tuberculosis patients in the 19th century who disregarded infection prevention measures. It was discovered in 1955, not long after the development of antibiotics, that about one-third of patients did not finish a one-week course of oral penicillin for acute pharyngitis or otitis.

According to studies conducted by Marie T. Brown, MD, and Jennifer K. Bussell, MD, between one-third and 50% of patients do not take their medication prescriptions for chronic conditions as directed. It is imperative to take your medication as prescribed; this cannot be stressed enough for treating immediate problems, managing chronic diseases, and general long-term health and welfare.

There is still considerably less awareness of medication non-adherence, and we at Redicine medsol are here to spread that awareness, guide you and help you. We are here to redefine the medication world by providing a revolutionary solution backed by comprehensive research. You can now adopt a hassle-free method to adhere to your medication routine with absolute convenience with our product ReMed+.

It is an aesthetically designed pillbox that is equipped with the latest technology and comes with spacious compartments to accommodate as many medicines as prescribed to you. With the convenience of enormous capacity, you can even insert an entire strip of medicine in just one compartment. Medication adherence would be easy for you by simply connecting the device to your smartphone and accessing our mobile application. Due to visual and sound notifications, you would be reminded to take your medications on time. To know more, visit Redicine medsol.

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